Marla Mattenson & Julian Colker – Relationship & Business Guides

What Problem(s) Do You Solve?

We invite your relationship on a journey to stress less & play more.

Couples who are ready for the next level of evolution as individuals and as a couple have a common theme; they see problems as a challenge and an opportunity to grow. We work with couples who care about humanity, conscious living, and fine-tuning their already good-great relationship.

We teach the path of “legendary love” through an 8 week live, guided experience online twice per year. The Legendary Love Experience focuses on how to cultivate a phenomenal relationship where walking on eggshells is a thing of the past. You both get to be fully expressed and we celebrate that each person grows at a different rate.

Concepts We Teach Couples:

Time-Bending: (Fall) 

How to get in and out of an argument quickly (and relatively unscathed!) How to linger in the time you want to extend together. 

Fire-Bending: (Spring)

How to harness the power of your own inner negativity, transmute it, and intentionally direct that energy to something positive in your life. How to be in the passion, anger, rage, frustration, and irritation without getting burned. 

How to access more GEJF: (Pronounced GEH – jiff) 

Grace, Ease, Joy & Flow in every moment, playing your way through the challenges. 

(more below)

We believe when couples all around the world have the courage to express themselves fully in kindness & love they become beacons of light. And that light uplifts the world. 

We Teach Ethical Sales to Business Owners, Visionaries & Entrepreneurs so they:

  • Prioritize the human relationship over the transactional relationship.
  • Increase their capacity to receive more in their business. 
  • Sign only ideal clients.  
  • Earn more with high integrity & ease.

What Makes Your Business Unique

What makes us unique are the ways we teach our relationship & business coaching. 

We normalize the challenges, dissolve the separation of right and wrong, and teach how to actually enjoy the hard times in service of growth & evolution. And we practice all this in our company with our team behind the scenes.

That means when we face a real-world challenge, we practice our techniques and ask ourselves, “Is there more Grace, Ease, Joy, or Flow available at this moment?”

We call this practice GEJF! (Pronounced GEH – jiff):

  • Grace: Simple elegance, lightness, giving & receiving benefit of the doubt, Divine frequency. Grace is free from blame & putting humanity first.
  • Ease: to decrease painful, unpleasant, or intense situations, the knowing that any boulders present are for growth and evolution so we can greet the challenges with an openness and curiosity. The idea that life is happening FOR me, not TO me. A feeling of relaxation, even in the middle of a great challenge.
  • Joy: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness, delight; bringing playfulness and lightheartedness to the challenge. Joy is available everywhere already, the invitation is to align to the frequency. 
  • Flow: when Grace, Ease & Joy come together, Flow is what naturally happens. Check out “flow state” research for even more on flow.


Marla Mattenson & Julian Colker, known as The Intimacy Experts, are internationally celebrated visionaries. Drawing from a unique background in neuroscience, mathematics, and emotional intelligence, Marla & Julian guide visionaries to face and lovingly integrate their shadows to live in harmony behind the scenes in both relationship and business to amplify their impact, income, and intimacy. 

Marla & Julian are building a movement of wildly successful professionals to revolutionize how we sell (and heal) through teaching high integrity, ethical & joy-filled sales to build a legacy of love. The Intimacy Experts teach multiple community-based programs throughout the year with the common theme of leaving a legendary legacy. They specialize in the realms of love, business, & spirituality. 

Marla & Julian embody the practices they teach. They have been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, Oprah, NBC, ABC, CBS, to name a few. Together, this powerhouse couple is co-creating a world where full expression, heartfelt appreciation, and wild play are the backbone of success in business and life.

We invite couples to refresh their relationship Union twice a year in The Legendary Love Experience. In the fall we teach  “Time Bending” and in the spring it’s “Fire Bending!” Both live, online group couples programs offer a safe space to share your “relationship material” rather than your dirty laundry. We teach individuals and couples in committed relationships that “You can’t do it wrong!” So there is no dirty laundry. There are only patterns that lead to suffering and patterns that lead to feeling more light-hearted.


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